
Creativity, Art, Trends and Design

Our creative team play with design and tradition to be at the front of ceramic trends. We reinvent the ceramic creation.


Professional Team, highly skilled

Our objective is to offer the best technical benefits to the professionals in the sector and an irresistible aesthetic, plenty of colour and harmony


Experience, Work and Constancy

More than 30 years make us one of the most versatile and reliable companies when it comes to dealing with any ceramic project.

Integrated Policy

Quality commitment and occupational health

From top management, we are committed to demonstrating leadership in the areas of quality, environment, health and safety at work, which are the main pillars on which our policy is based.

Policy Document
empresa politica integrada uai
empresa codigo etico uai
Ethics Code

Ethical conduct, code application

Minimum standards of behaviour required of suppliers, subcontractors and distributors, as well as of all group personnel in the development of their activities, in line with the company’s corporate culture.

Ethics Code

Estudio Cerámico • Ceramic Company

"We are versatile and reliable to tackle any ceramic project"


Environmental responsibility

EED (Leadership in Energy & Environment Design), BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) and VERDE are different systems of evaluation and certification to accredit the building or project eco-efficiency and sustainability. These certifications take into account all factors that affect the environmental impact, such as the energetic efficiency, the use of water, the reduction of CO2 emissions or the reduction of the natural resources consumed.

The WELL standard, unlike the previous ones, assess and certify the building efficiency in terms of people health and well-being.

The ESTUDIO CERÁMICO ceramic materials, like other building materials, cannot have these certifications by themselves, but thanks to their excellent properties and the production process that makes them possible, they are a great ally during certification, as our products have a series of characteristics that increase the score of the building:


The Sustainability Process

The local raw materials use into the fabrication of your ceramic product, reducing as much as possible the atmospheric pollution produced in their transportation.
Due to the production process itself, all products have a high percentage of recycled material, both through the purification and reuse of process water and the return of materials to suppliers for inclusion in new raw materials.
We don’t vert liquid residuals to continental waters, neither DPH elements.


Respect for the Environment

Ceramic product verts do not emit noxious substances to animal or vegetal life.
Due to their porosity-free enamelled surface, all our products are easy to clean (achieving the highest category according to the international standard ISO 10545-14), so it is not necessary to use aggressive cleaners or large quantities of water for the daily maintenance of our products, thus reducing the consumption of resources associated with building maintenance.


Free of Hazardous Substances

All products are free of toxic substances such as asbestos or plumb. Their use is 100% sure for health. Their use is 100% sure for health.
Neither emits any type of volatile organic compound (VOC) during their util life, which is why they have the maximum classification following the international standard ISO 16000.
Due to their high thermal stability (above 1000°C), all our products are considered to be flame retardant and have the highest fire resistance classification.

Environmental Certification

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

The 600kW PV Self-consumption installation project is covered by the programme of incentives linked to self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources, as well as the implementation of renewable thermal systems in the residential sector within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by the European Union NextGenerationEU. The grant received amounts to 127,539.54 euros.

The project “IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ERP SYSTEM FOR THE INTERNAL MANAGEMENT OF SOMOS ESTUDIO CERÁMICO” led by ESTUDIO CERÁMICO, S.L. with file number IMDIGA/2018/535 has been the object of aid in the call for PROJECTS OF DIGITALIZATION OF SMEs (DIGITALIZA-CV) of the Comunitat Valenciana (2014-2020). The project is co-financed by the European Union, through the European Regional Development Funds, with the objective of promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.

Support of the Valencian Community exterior promotion 2022. Amount received: 23.943,91€ Amount received: 23.943,91€

Estudio Cerámico, S.L. has actively participated in the R&D Project for the development of sustainable consumer products EcoMARSI. This project is led by the Instituto Tecnológico del Juguete (AIJU) with the participation of the Instituto Tecnológico Metalmecánico, Madera, Mueble, Embalaje y Afines (AIDIMME) and the Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC-AICE),

The main objective of EcoMARSI is to develop sustainable consumer products by applying the concepts of Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis, through innovative technologies, and different secondary raw materials such as zinc and copper oxides and metals, from waste and wastewater from the children’s and leisure product (toy) and metal-mechanic sectors.

The circular economy is one of the fields of work with the greatest potential for development in the Valencia Region. Its implementation can optimise industrial processes, making them more sustainable and self-sufficient. The EcoMARSI project is part of this line of action, using the industrial symbiosis between 5 sectors of the Valencian Community: surface treatment of metals, toys and children’s leisure, ceramics, paint and varnish, and metalworking.

“The DIGITALISATION project led by ESTUDIO CERÁMICO, S.L. with file number IMDIGA/2022/397 has been supported under the call for SME DIGITALISATION PROJECTS (DIGITALIZA-CV) of the Comunitat Valenciana (2021-2027). The project has been selected in the framework of the Operational Programme FEDER of the Comunitat Valenciana 2021/2027”.

Estudio Cerático has executed the following projects that are supported by IDAE and IVACE (SME-LARGE INDUSTRIAL COMPANY PROGRAM (IDAE) IMPROVE EQUIPMENT AND PROCESSES) co-financed by the European Union within the ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020. These projects have made it possible to increase the energy efficiency of the ovens. The projects developed have been:

File E4IDIN/2019/98 “Reduction of Gas Consumption in Furnaces through economizers”. The subsidy received amounts to 11,760 €.
File E4IDIN/2019/197 “Replacement of 112 burners in SITI oven in order to reduce gas consumption.” The subsidy received amounts to 19,737.60 €.
File E4IDIN/2019/289 “Reduction of Gas Consumption in Furnaces through 80 economizers”. The subsidy received amounts to 16,800 €.
File E4IDIN/2019/338 “Reduction of Gas Consumption in Furnaces through the installation of an Oxygen regulation system”. The subsidy received amounts to 29,815 €.


Strategic Plan

These certifications take into account all factors that affect the environmental impact.

Strategic Plan →
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